When and Why Your Pet Needs a Dental Extraction

You may not always know when your furry friend is in pain. Unfortunately, animals see illness as a sign of weakness and do all they can to hide their symptoms. Pets rarely show signs of dental issues. Dental problems usually come on gradually, and pets often learn to deal with the pain. You may wonder why your pet favors one side of the mouth when chewing or playing. It could be a sign of a severe dental condition.

Why Your Pet Needs a Dental Extraction

When a tooth is damaged or the gum is severely diseased, it affects the tooth’s function and can lead to severe pain. An extraction is the best way to treat the condition and ensure the pet is healthy and pain-free. Extractions involve the removal of the crown, or visible part of the tooth, and the root, the part below the gum. Never try to pull your pet’s tooth at home, however loose it may appear.

When Pet Dental Extraction Is Necessary

Identifying and treating dental issues early helps to ensure pets are happy and healthy. There are times when a pet needs to have their teeth pulled. Reasons for dental extractions include:

  • To deal with the complications of periodontal disease.
  • Removal of a loose, severely decayed tooth.
  • To remove a severely broken or damaged tooth.
  • Removal of unerupted teeth.

The extent or severity of the tooth damage will determine whether an extraction is necessary. Dental extraction is a surgical procedure that requires anesthesia.

During Dental Extractions

Before a dental extraction, the veterinarian will clean the teeth and perform a dental X-ray. It will help identify the extent of the damage. The vet will conduct a physical assessment to determine what is required to restore the pet’s oral health.

Teeth have roots attached to the bone and require removal to extract the tooth correctly. The pet will be under anesthesia during the extraction. Veterinarians use special instruments to break down the periodontal ligaments attached to the bone before pulling out the tooth.

After a Dental Extraction

Pets are often able to return home the same day after the extraction. You may notice a little blood-stained saliva from the gums after the extraction, but there should be no significant bleeding. Most pets hold their tongue in a different position or move it more as they get used to the new feeling.

Avoid rough play or giving your pet chews or hard food during recovery. The vet may prescribe pain medications and antibiotics for a few days. Complications are rare and may include damage to the jawbone and dental cavities failing to heal.

Failing to Extract Teeth

Some pet owners are worried about the effects of anesthesia, which causes them to make poor decisions. Leaving a damaged tooth in can cause unnecessary trauma to the pet. A tooth that is far gone will not respond to cleaning or herbal remedies.

Failing to remove a diseased tooth can lead to an infection in the root, which can get into the bloodstream and travel to the kidney. Removing the tooth can help prevent future health complications. Ensure you take care of your pet’s dental health to prevent oral issues.

For when and why your pet needs a dental extraction, visit Forever Pet Dental. Our offices are in Portland, Oregon and Vancouver, Washington. Call (503) 621-9107 or (360) 859-3790 to book an appointment today.