Why Certain Dog Breeds Need More Regular Dental Cleanings

Your dog’s dental health is a crucial part of its wellness. Every dog owner must be proactive in maintaining their furry friend’s dental health. Dental cleanings are vital and should be frequent, especially if your dog is of a particular breed that requires regular cleanings. Read on to learn more.


Dog Breeds Prone to Dental Problems


Below are the dog breeds more susceptible to experiencing dental problems:

  • Toy breeds – These include dogs like Yorkies and Poodles. Their delicate teeth and jaws put them at high risk for developing tooth decay and periodontal disease.

  • Brachycephalic breeds – Brachycephalic breeds include dogs like Pugs, Shi Tzus, and Bulldogs. With their crowded teeth due to their short snouts, you will find it hard to clean their teeth. They also have a high risk of periodontal disease, among other dental issues.

  • Small breeds – The crowded teeth and small jaws in breeds like Shih Tzus, Pomeranians, and Chihuahuas make them more prone to dental problems. These small breeds have a high risk of developing periodontal disease, which leads to tooth loss.


Factors That Cause Dental Problems in Dogs


Various factors contribute to dental problems. Genetics can increase the risk of dental issues like periodontal disease, misaligned teeth, and overcrowding. Diet can also cause dental problems. Feeding your dog a diet filled with carbohydrates and high sugar contributes to the formation of plaque and tartar.

Your dog’s age also increases its risk for dental problems. Hence, regular dental cleanings become more vital as they grow older. Poor dental care causes dog dental problems. Among these, plaque and tartar formation lead to tooth loss and gum disease.


Symptoms Your Dog Has a Dental Issue


Your dog can have the following symptoms if they have a dental problem:

  • Discomfort or pain while chewing – Your dog may have tooth decay or gum disease if they experience pain while chewing

  • Bad breath – One of the most common symptoms of your dog having dental problems is bad breath. It may be caused by a buildup of plaque or tartar

  • Bleeding gums – Dental problems and gum disease can cause dogs to have bleeding gums

  • Loss of appetite – Your dog can stop eating and lose its appetite as a sign of pain


Reasons Regular Dental Cleanings Are Vital for Dogs


Taking your dog for regular dental cleanings prevents dental problems from developing. The cleanings avert tooth loss and gum disease in dogs by preventing tar and plaque from building up. They also help maintain your furry friend’s oral health.

Regular dental cleanings improve the quality of your dog’s life. It prevents pain and discomfort that arise due to dental problems. With regular dental cleanings, your furry friend can live a happy and playful life without dental issues.


How to Maintain Proper Oral Health for Dogs 


A healthy balanced diet can help maintain your dog’s oral health. It can prevent the formation of tartar and plaque. It is also vital to brush your dog’s teeth regularly. Doing so prevents tooth decay and gum disease by removing plaque and tartar.

Provide your dog with chew toys to promote chewing habits and remove tartar and plaque. Doing so will help maintain their oral health.

Regular dental cleanings and exams are done by your vet to help maintain proper oral health in your dog. They also prevent the development of dental problems. Treat any dental issues you detect promptly to avoid them becoming severe and causing pain and discomfort to your furry friend.

For more about regular dental cleanings for certain dog breeds, visit Magnolia Animal Dentistry at our office in Vancouver, Washington, or Portland, Oregon. Call (360) 859-3790 or (503) 621-9107 to book an appointment today.